Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Cost of Energy Per House Hold in Zimbabwe - True Statistics

Knowledge is power. This can be shown by the table presented below. Among the low income earners, the rich ones use Gas for cooking, Energy Savers for lighting, and Electricity for entertainment. This gives an average energy bill of US$ 18.28 per month. The not so rich use electric stoves for cooking, incandescent bulbs for lighting, and electricity for entertainment. This gives an average energy bill of US$23.64. However, the poor use Firewood for cooking, candles for lighting and a battery powered radio for entertainment. This gives an average energy bill of about US$75.93. This means that poor countries will remain poor if the energy issue is not transformed.

Check the statistics from Authorities

Monday 4 April 2016

Back to Business - IIE Conference Pictures

After a long pause from blogging, we are back to share our technological experience. In the pictures we show one academic conference attended at Le Meridien Hotel in Mauritius where researchers presented their work.


Thursday 14 January 2016

Lets Travel the Journey of Electronic Engineering together

Yes, the new times come but they depend on the old times. We were posting stuff on electronic engineering. Watch out for more posts on electrical and electronic engineering basics. This will be helpful for engineering students at all Levels. Do you remember this?