Tuesday 7 October 2014

Why Scientist are not inventors

1. “...The absence of complex analytical formulas often makes easier the
concentration for the physical understanding of problems, for more lively
observation and better understanding of the substance, than when the electric
phenomena are viewed through the clouds of mathematical symbols”, Sir J.J.
Thompson, “Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and

2. “... Ignorance contributes much more frequently to self-confidence than
knowledge”, Charles Darwin, “The Descent of Man”.

3. “...Make it possible to them to invest effort and to express their ideas by
words, without the use of symbols, and if they succeed in doing so, they will
show to us that we are incapable, and they will enthusiast themselves during the
explanation, and they will even doubt that the ideas expressed may ever find the
way out of equations James Clark Maxwell, “The Scientific Papers.”